Women Educators and Language Learners

Japan-prevention of spousal violence law.pdf

Ueno Chizuko on sex equality.pdf


Feminist Collections

Michael Bamberg home page

Psychologist who researches identity formation in adolescent males. See also http://www.clarku.edu/~mbamberg/project.htm Transiting from Childhood to Adolescence as a Young Male: An Investigation of the Cultural Construction of Masculinity (in Brazil, US and Japan)

VAWW-NET Japan(Violence Against Women in War-Network

VAWW-NET Japan was formed in 1998 with the conviction that “in order to eliminate violence against women in war and armed conflicts, women at the global and national levels are seeking to build a non-militarized world by bearing the responsibility of creating a peace that is based on the perspective of women’s human rights.” VAWW NET Japan was on the International Organizing Committee for the Women’s International Tribunal on Japan’s Military Sexual Slavery took place in Tokyo in December 2000.

Video Juku 

Video Juku is a women’s group that creates documentaries in order to achieve a society free of violence and discrimination against women. Currently we are part of a bigger movement to record testimonies of the former comfort women of the Japanese military. Series of documentaries on these women all around Asia are still to come from Video Juku. Also, we give technical support to other women and human right’s NGOs to create videos.

Wings Kyoto

Women’s Counselling Kyoto

in Japanese

Yokohama Women’s Forum newsletter

Web sites designed by, for, and about Japanese women. Also included is a list of Web addresses of women’s groups who are promoting international networks for women. Home page is at http://www.women.city.yokohama.jp/index.html

Girls, Women and Media Project

International Women’s Rights Watch Asia Pacific 

Internet Women’s History Sourcebook (from ancient to modern history on a global scale)

Language and Gender Links

ROE V. WADE What is the legal legacy of the 1973 Supreme Court decision on abortion? (PBS newshour debate) -Abortion

Ten Things Men Can Do To Prevent Gender Violence

UN Commission on the Status of Women

Women in Islam

Links to web sites, Critical or positive evaluations of the Islamic teaching and reality, Related issues (Polygamy, Female circumcision, etc.)

African-American and African Women resources and links

from Women’s History website

Compilation of Gender Equality & Domestic Violence Laws from Around the World

from Wellesley Center for Women; many links

RAWA website (in reference to CEDAW)

RAWA, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, was established in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1977 as an independent political/social organization of Afghan women fighting for human rights and for social justice in Afghanistan.


2008 LINKS


Women’s Action Network

Dawn Centre : (Osaka Prefectural Women’s Centre)

General UnionDiscovering Voices, Discovering Selves

Robert Jensen: Pornography and the end of Masculinity What’s the Matter with Getting Off

From ZNet Gender Feminism Watch

The book by Robert Jensen

Ireland: Gay Iranian in UK

Albert: Parecon and Gender

Levins Morales: Thinking Ouside the (Ballot) Box

Sargent: We’d Like a Woman President…

Susskind: Iraqi Women Say No

Goodman: Cause Bigger Than Soitzer Sex Scandal

Meister: Dolores Huerta

McNeill: Child Sex Trafficking in Cambodia

Jamail: Women’s Day IraqOmer: Woman’s Day in Gaza

Mychalejko: Iraqi Women & War

Weidman: Zapatista Women’s Encuentro

Monbiot: Pro-Death

George: Same Sex in Australia

Sinclair: Lap Dancing

Ireland: Gay Leader Blocks

Dines: Anti-Feminist Politics

Jensen: Where We are Stuck 

Ireland: The ENDA Mess

Bader: Men and Abortion Making Face, Making SoulFeminist.comWomen’s  Liberation Archive

9 to 5


The Advocate



Electra Pages

Feminist Majority


Gay Men’s Health CrisisGuerrilla GirlsInstitute for Women’s ResearchNative American WomenMADREMy Sister, MyselfNative WebNational Gay  and Lesbian Task Force

National Organization for Women138

OOBHistory of the Suffrage MovementPlanet OutQueer Legal ResourcesRAWASojournerThird WaveWILPFWMMWWWomen

Women in North AmericaGap Kids: New Frontiers in Child AbuseZNet Writers’ blogs on Gender and Feminism

Newest Z Videos

138Liberating Gender Who You Calling A Bitch Albert: Parecon and Gender 

Meister: Dolores Huerta 
It’s Women’s History Month, and who better to celebrate it with than Dolores Huerta…

Mychalejko: Iraqi Women & War 
March 8 marks the 99th celebration of International Women’s Day, a day to commemorate the…

Tissot: De Beauvoir’s Makeover 
The centenary of Simone de Beauvoir’s birth has been celebrated by French press coverage obsessed…

Klein: Zapatista Women Experiences 
The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) is best known for its brief uprising in January…

Jensen: Where We are Stuck 
I am having dinner on a Thursday night in a restaurant in New York

Ireland: The ENDA Mess 
Regardless of whether or not Congress, in the days ahead, passes an Employment Non-Discrimination…
Featured ZMag Articles

Bader: Men and Abortion 
In the early 1980s, anti-abortion forces began to heed criticism that their reverence for the…
Links out to WWW: Feminism/Gender

Making Face, Making Soul


Women’s  Liberation Archive

9 to 5


The Advocate



Electra Pages

Feminist Majority


Gay Men’s Health Crisis

Guerrilla Girls

Institute for Women’s Research

Native American Women


My Sister, Myself

Native Web

National Gay  and Lesbian Task Force

National Organization for Women


History of the Suffrage Movement

Planet Out

Queer Legal Resources



Third Wave




Women in North America


–book publisher change tba when available–

In 2005 GALE members and others collaborated to jointly write an intermediate English level textbook that would provide an introduction to gender issues to non-native speakers. The title of this book, which emphasizes active learning and critical thinking, is Gender Issues Today. The classroom activities “activate” all of the original seven multiple intelligences identified by Howard Gardner and all Myers-Briggs type learning style preferences, in an effort to accommodate all kinds of learners.This book is currently being used successfully by college teachers in Japan but has been found useful also by some overseas educators.A review of the book (by an EFL teacher based in Thailand) can be found at: http://www.efltu.org/reviews/genderissues.htm
Themes of the 16 chapters of Gender Issues Today include: What is gender? Gender socialization, Gender and language, Gender and family issues, Gender and employment, Gender and violence, Gender and health issues, Sex work, Gender stereotypes, Masculinities and men’s movements, Heterosexism, Reproductive rights, Gender and the environment and others.

Gender and Language Research Group at Lancaster University

Gender Issues Women’s Study Database, University of Maryland

Reflections on the Concept of Gender Paper by Mila Amurrio

Gender/Human Development Programme Asian and Pacific Development Centre

Equal Opportunities Commission A U.K. government-sponsored organisation

Facts on Gender

Digital Eve Japan Making computers and the WWW accessible to women.

Queer Japan: a book on Japanese gays, lesbians, and bisexuals

Book Review on Indiana U site

Book Review on Gay Today site

Rainbow Educators Network Information by, for and about lesbian, gay and bisexual teachers of EFL

Connections Across Cultures
And a resource for foreigners living in Japan…

Being A Broad has helped thousands of women make the most of their lives in Japan. Find out anything and everything you need to know to make the most of YOUR life at www.being-a-broad.com. Find practical information on living in Japan as a foreign woman, based on the number one best-selling book, Being A Broad in Japan: everything a Western woman needs to survive and thrive. If you still have questions, join the active discussion board and ask other people who have had similar experiences. Become a member of Being A Broad and stay up to date by receiving our monthly newsletter and announcements about Being A Broad, invitations to our social events and other related activities. Sign up on the website – it’s FREE!

Other links to consoildate with above


Japan-prevention of spousal violence law.pdf

Ueno Chizuko on sex equality.pdf


Feminist Collections

Michael Bamberg home page 
Psychologist who researches identity formation in adolescent males. See also http://www.clarku.edu/~mbamberg/project.htm Transiting from Childhood to Adolescence as a Young Male: An Investigation of the Cultural Construction of Masculinity (in Brazil, US and Japan) 

VAWW-NET Japan(Violence Against Women in War-Network 
VAWW-NET Japan was formed in 1998 with the conviction that “in order to eliminate violence against women in war and armed conflicts, women at the global and national levels are seeking to build a non-militarized world by bearing the responsibility of creating a peace that is based on the perspective of women’s human rights.” VAWW NET Japan was on the International Organizing Committee for the Women’s International Tribunal on Japan’s Military Sexual Slavery took place in Tokyo in December 2000. 

Video Juku 
Video Juku is a women’s group that creates documentaries in order to achieve a society free of violence and discrimination against women. Currently we are part of a bigger movement to record testimonies of the former comfort women of the Japanese military. Series of documentaries on these women all around Asia are still to come from Video Juku. Also, we give technical support to other women and human right’s NGOs to create videos. 

Wings Kyoto 
women’s center 
Women’s Counselling Kyoto 

in Japanese

Yokohama Women’s Forum newsletter 
Web sites designed by, for, and about Japanese women. Also included is a list of Web addresses of women’s groups who are promoting international networks for women. Home page is at http://www.women.city.yokohama.jp/index.html 
Girls, Women and Media Project 

International Women’s Rights Watch Asia Pacific 

Internet Women’s History Sourcebook (from ancient to modern history on a global scale)
Language and Gender Links 


ROE V. WADE What is the legal legacy of the 1973 Supreme Court decision on abortion? (PBS newshour debate) -Abortion

Ten Things Men Can Do To Prevent Gender Violence

UN Commission on the Status of Women
Women in Islam

links to web sites, Critical or positive evaluations of the Islamic teaching and reality, Related issues (Polygamy, Female circumcision, etc.)

African-American and African Women resources and links 
from Women’s History website

Compilation of Gender Equality & Domestic Violence Laws from Around the World 
from Wellesley Center for Women; many links

RAWA website (in reference to CEDAW) 
RAWA, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, was established in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1977 as an independent political/social organization of Afghan women fighting for human rights and for social justice in Afghanistan.

2008 LINKS


Women’s Action Network Dawn Centre : (Osaka Prefectural Women’s Centre)

General Union

Discovering Voices, Discovering Selves

Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity

Robert Jensen: Pornography and the end of Masculinity 

What’s the Matter with Getting Off

From ZNet Gender Feminism Watch

The book by Robert Jensen
Ireland: Gay Iranian in UK

Albert: Parecon and Gender

Levins Morales: Thinking Ouside the (Ballot) Box

Sargent: We’d Like a Woman President…

Susskind: Iraqi Women Say No

Goodman: Cause Bigger Than Soitzer Sex Scandal

Meister: Dolores Huerta

McNeill: Child Sex Trafficking in Cambodia

Jamail: Women’s Day Iraq
Omer: Woman’s Day in Gaza

Mychalejko: Iraqi Women & War

Weidman: Zapatista Women’s Encuentro

Monbiot: Pro-Death

George: Same Sex in Australia

Sinclair: Lap Dancing

Ireland: Gay Leader Blocks

Dines: Anti-Feminist Politics

Jensen: Where We are Stuck 

Ireland: The ENDA Mess

Bader: Men and Abortion 

Making Face, Making Soul


Women’s  Liberation Archive

9 to 5


The Advocate



Electra Pages

Feminist Majority


Gay Men’s Health Crisis

Guerrilla Girls

Institute for Women’s Research

Native American Women


My Sister, Myself

Native Web

National Gay  and Lesbian Task Force

National Organization for Women138


History of the Suffrage Movement

Planet Out

Queer Legal Resources



Third Wave




Women in North America

Gap Kids: New Frontiers in Child Abuse

ZNet Writers’ blogs on Gender and Feminism

Newest Z Videos138

Liberating Gender 

Who You Calling A Bitch 

Albert: Parecon and Gender 
A problem with this discussion, like many others that we will undertake, is that there is as yet…

Meister: Dolores Huerta 
It’s Women’s History Month, and who better to celebrate it with than Dolores Huerta…

Mychalejko: Iraqi Women & War 
March 8 marks the 99th celebration of International Women’s Day, a day to commemorate the…

Tissot: De Beauvoir’s Makeover 
The centenary of Simone de Beauvoir’s birth has been celebrated by French press coverage obsessed…

Klein: Zapatista Women Experiences 
The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) is best known for its brief uprising in January…

Jensen: Where We are Stuck 
I am having dinner on a Thursday night in a restaurant in New York

Ireland: The ENDA Mess 
Regardless of whether or not Congress, in the days ahead, passes an Employment Non-Discrimination…

Featured ZMag Articles

Bader: Men and Abortion 

In the early 1980s, anti-abortion forces began to heed criticism that their reverence for the…

 Links out to WWW: Feminism/Gender