Submission Guidelines

The GALE Journal welcomes submissions on an ongoing basis for consideration in future issues. Please read the submission guidelines for more details. Any questions may be directed to

GALE Journal, SSN 1884-152X
Japan Association for Language Teaching, GALE SIG
Tokyo, Japan


The GALE Journal follows the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition. Please consult recent copies of GALE Journal or TESOL Quarterly for examples of documentation and references.

A downloadable copy of the JALT Journal style sheet is also available on the JALT website:

Main Paper: Your paper should be typed and 1.5 spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″ US Letter/ A4), with 1″ (25.4mm/2.5cm) margins on all sides. As per APA 7th edition, please use 12 pt. Times New Roman font.

Abstract: Article abstracts should be 150 words or less. Please use single-spacing. Do not indent. Flush left. Do not justify. The Japanese abstract should be 400 characters or less. Please use MS Mincho font, 12-point for the Japanese abstract. Use single-spacing. Do not indent.

Regarding indentation of paragraphs, headings, tables and so forth, please generally refer to the JALT style guide above. Please note, however, that JALT flushes references left, whereas GALE and APA require a hanging indent.


The GALE Journal accepts four main types of articles.

Formal research articles. These are “standard” double-blind peer-reviewed journal articles, and need to focus on some combination of gender, language teaching, and/or teaching in Japan. Research articles should be 4500-6000 words in length.

Conference proceedings articles. If you have presented on a gender and language-related topic at a conference in the past year, and have not submitted that paper for publication in the conference’s proceedings, you can submit that paper to us. These papers should generally follow a similar format to a research article, but may be shorter (2500-5000 words). As with formal research articles, these will be double-blind peer-reviewed.

Interviews. The GALE Journal will consider interviews related to gender and language. Interviews do not need to be completed prior to March 31. However, you will need to contact us as soon as possible to discuss who you would like to interview, and prior to March 31, the editors will need an outline of what sorts of topics you’d plan to discuss. Interviews are not peer-reviewed, though they are still subject to editorial approval and revision.

Other papers. These are papers that fall outside of the “research paper” genre, but are nonetheless of value to our readers. These papers should be approximately 2500-4000 words in length. While these articles will be peer-reviewed, the primary criteria will be whether the article fits within GALE’s mission and is a thoughtful treatment of the subject matter. Some examples include:

Classroom curriculum. If you have classroom lesson plans related to gender that have been successful for you, please share them and explain why you believe they have been successful.

Perspectives. Opinion articles about timely topics related to GALE’s mission will be considered. This could include things like the concern about gender representation in JALT, conference “events”, issues in Japanese society, or issues abroad related to gender and language. Again, these articles need to be grounded in some sort of formal framework, but not to the extent of a full research paper.

Others. Any other papers that you think may be valuable. If you have ideas but aren’t sure if they will fit, please send us an email to the editors with a proposal and we’ll give feedback as soon as possible.

Materials to be submitted

  • All materials should be sent by e-mail attachment to If you do not receive a ‘confirmation of receipt’ email within one week, please contact the GALE coordinator.

  • In the body of the email should be the title and author name(s) along with contact information, including one author’s full address, phone number, and email address.

  • The attached file should NOT have any references to the author(s). Do not use running heads.

  • Abstract (no more than 150 words).

  • If the paper is in English, Japanese translation of the abstract, if possible (no more than 400 characters). If the paper is in Japanese, English translation of the title and abstract, if possible (no more than 150 words).

  • Biographical sketch(es) (no more than 50 words each).

File Preparation

  • Submit files in Microsoft Word format with notes included at the end of the manuscript.

  • Tables and figures should appear in the text in the appropriate location.

  • Keep figures and tables as simple as possible and only include if they add or clarify information to your paper.

  • You may send more than one file if necessary (if you need to send graphics separately)–but one file per submission is preferred.

Editorial Procedures

Submissions will be acknowledged within one month of their receipt. All manuscripts are first reviewed by an editor to ensure they comply with GALE Journal Guidelines. Those considered for publication are subject to blind review by at least two readers, with special attention given to: (1) the significance and originality of the submission, (2) the use of research design and methodology, (3) the quality and clarity of style, and (4) compliance with GALE Journal Editorial Policy.

The Journal will be published in PDF form on the GALE website.


Papers submitted to GALE Journal must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication elsewhere. GALE Journal has First World Publication Rights, as defined by International Copyright Conventions, for all manuscripts published. If accepted, the editors reserve the right [if necessary] to edit all copy for length, style, and clarity without prior notification to authors although we prefer to consult authors over any changes made.